Artisans Tribute To The Real Heroes
An unsettling feeling of turbulence has blanketed the world for over a year. Silences have crept in. Being at the heart of the battle has left a deep mark on everybody. While we find ways to survive during these uncertain times, some of us have to do things out of the ordinary for everyone’s wellbeing. And sometimes, it can get exhausting to keep up in this disturbing environment. But some fight every day to keep the wheels of normalcy spinning, even when they feel down and low.
These are our real heroes!
Whether it is a call for duty or work that feeds the family, every person on the frontline needs immense applause and praise. If doctors are fighting on the front lines, police officers are holding the fort. If you consider the stories of many medical professionals and hospital personnel working round-the-clock, you will see their efforts to ensure your good health during this Covid-19 crisis.
Capturing the thought beautifully and artistically, the artisans of a village in Andhra Pradesh, called Etikoppaka, have created ‘Covid Heroes’ figurines representing our real heroes as a mark of respect and recognize their contribution to our welfare. Dedicating these Etikoppaka figurines to the real heroes, the artisans have shown various hues and shades of kindness and compassion in the light of negativity.

Kavad artisan, Dwarka Prasad creating educational handmade posters to educate the locals on social distancing and healthy habits.

Cheriyal Painting artisan, Rakesh’s
rendition of the educational posters to
help prevent the spread of COVID.
Artisans turn to mask-making to eke out a living
during COVID while also reiterating how the
traditional handicrafts have had utilitarian roots.
Then there is Dwarka Prasad - an artisan who has taken up the responsibility to educate the people in his village. If it is unsung heroes you want to read about, there’s him, driven by curiosity and a keen eye for craftsmanship, narrating stories through posters and with much enthusiasm.
Another light that’s shining bright, grabbing our attention, and capturing our hearts with his intricate artwork is Ratneshwar Jha. Given the rising demand for face masks, he seizes an opportunity to display his beautiful creativity with handmade cotton masks in Madhubani style. This Mithila artist brings art to life with sustainable and aesthetic pieces which can keep you safe.
In these strenuous times, being an artisan can get daunting. However, these artisans have applied their creativity and skills to the best of their abilities, shining through with flying colors, offering cultural nourishment while paying tribute to the ones keeping them safe. You can show your support for all the heroes, including those who share the same care and passion as them - the gifted artisans. You can purchase these Etikoppaka figurines and face masks with Mithila art, made by one hero for another.
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