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Leather Puppetry Lampshades - TVAMI

Leather Puppetry Lampshades

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Flickering shadows on a leather canvas, growing larger then diminishing as is its fate. Leather puppetry lampshades truly embody the spirit and interplay of dark and light, both in equal measure, never competing, unassuming in nature and role.

For these carriers of light, life in Andhra Pradesh began in a simpler time where tollu bommalatta (shadow puppetry) was revered. Indeed, shadow-theater was a perfect backdrop for dramatic stories, unassuming romances and fiery wars to unfold. The players themselves were cut from stiff pieces of hide or parchment, but with personalities that belied their appearance.

As time wore on, however, these innocuous pleasures found themselves sidelined in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The show must go on, as they say and so it did, leather puppets in tow. Now merely a shadow of the regal past (pun unintended), these brave players found themselves regaling audiences with stories on utility articles, such as lampshades, toys, et all. They persevered, however, and even today, entertain, shock, surprise and mystify audiences through the interplay of light and shadow.